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Artificial Sun

  • Candid Arts 3 Torrens Street London, England, EC1V United Kingdom (map)

Humans have long set ourselves apart from nature, elevating our status as pseudo-deities or granting ourselves biblical stewardship over the natural world. This event invites you to explore the irony of this separation by immersing yourself in a nature that has been artificially recreated through projections, soundscapes, sculptures, and dynamic performances.

While these installations aim to capture the sublime essence of nature, they ultimately reveal how far short we fall in fully experiencing it. Inspired by Plato’s Cave, the event reflects our modern relationship with nature—one where we primarily engage with it through screens, like shadows on a wall. Documentaries, social media, and digital media create a sense of connection to the natural world, but it’s a superficial bond.

We remain in our metaphorical caves, entertained by mediated representations, while nature outside is being degraded and destroyed. The very systems that deliver these digital experiences are often the ones profiting from this exploitation. This event encourages you to confront the tensions between the natural and the artificial.

By presenting shadows, projections, and digital recreations of the natural world, we invite you to reflect on how these mediated experiences have shaped and flattened our perceptions of nature. At the same time, the installations offer an opportunity to explore the more complex, authentic relationship we could have with the environment—one that transcends screens and technology and reconnects us with the tangible, dirt-beneath-our-toes experience of the world outside.

Ultimately, this experience asks you to consider: Are we content with the shadows we see, or will we seek a deeper, more direct connection with nature?

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